4 years ago
7 changed files with 257 additions and 311 deletions
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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ |
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<div style="margin: 5px 10px"> |
<div class="common"> |
<span>开发语言:</span> |
<span> |
<select class="form-control " style="width: 150px;display: inline-block;height: 32px" id="catory"> |
{{range .Cats}} |
<option value="{{.Id}}">{{.Title}}</option> |
{{end}} |
</select> |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="common"> |
<span style="flex: 1;height: 30px;line-height: 30px;">文章标签:</span> |
<div class="tag-group tag-removable" data-toggle='tag' id="labels"> |
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<span>添加标签:</span> |
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$(function () { |
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$("#catory").val(parent.tobj.catory) |
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for (var i = 0; i < parent.tobj.labels.length; i++) { |
var child = "<label class='tag tag-primary'>" + parent.tobj.labels[i] + "<a name='remove'><i class=\"iconfont icon-close\"></i></a> " |
+ "<input type='checkbox' class='simple-tag' name='simple-tag-1' value='" + parent.tobj.labels[i] + "' checked='checked'/></label>" |
$("#labels").append(child) |
} |
} |
$("#addBtn").click(function () { |
var temp = $("#lable").val() |
if (temp.trim().length != 0) { |
if ($("#labels").children().length > 5) { |
layer.msg('5个标签还不够', function () { |
}); |
return |
} |
var child = "<label class='tag tag-primary'>" + temp + "<a name='remove'><i class=\"iconfont icon-close\"></i></a> " |
+ "<input type='checkbox' class='simple-tag' name='simple-tag-1' value='" + temp + "' checked='checked'/></label>" |
$("#labels").append(child) |
$("#lable").val("") |
} |
}) |
$("#saveBtn").click(function () { |
parent.tobj.catory = $("#catory").val() |
var tarr = [] |
$.each($(".simple-tag"), function () { |
tarr.push($(this).val()) |
}); |
parent.tobj.labels = tarr |
console.log(tarr) |
parent.saveBlogCallback(function (flag) { |
if (flag) { |
var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(; |
parent.layer.close(index); |
} |
}) |
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<meta name="description" content="码农随笔,个人随笔是一个面向IT技术人员,提供个人平时工作总结和在线记录学习笔记,个人技术博客,在线云笔记,码农笔录,最新的技术博客,"> |
<meta name="keywords" |
content="码农随笔,个人随笔,博客,个人博客,个人笔记,技术博客,免费云笔记,云笔记,随笔,IT博客,谷歌地图,码农笔录,,,aiprose"> |
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<title>发布笔记 - 码农随笔</title> |
<style> |
.common { |
margin: 15px 0; |
display: flex; |
height: 32px; |
line-height: 32px; |
} |
</style> |
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<body> |
<div style="margin: 20px 35px;"> |
<div class="common"> |
<span>所属文件夹:</span> |
<span style="flex: 1"> |
<select class="form-control " style="display: inline-block;height: 32px" id="catory"> |
{{range .NoteColl}} |
<option value="{{.Id}}">{{.Title}}</option> |
{{end}} |
</select> |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="common"> |
<span>新笔记名称:</span> |
<input type="text" placeholder="输入标签" class="input-xfat" style="height: 32px;flex: 1" id="lable"> |
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$(function () { |
if (!{{.IsLogin}}) { |
parent.location.href = "/login" |
return |
}else if ({{.NoteColl|len}} == 0) { |
parent.location.href = "/me/note" |
} |
$("#saveBtn").click(function () { |
var pid = $("#catory").val() |
var title = $("#lable").val() |
$.post('/api/note/save', { |
pid: pid, |
title: title |
}, |
function (data) { |
if (!data.Status) { |
parent.addNoteCallback(data) |
parent.layer.msg("保存成功", {icon: 6}); |
var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(; |
parent.layer.close(index); |
} else if (data.Status == 401) { |
parent.location.href = "/login" |
parent.layer.close(index); |
} else { |
layer.msg("服务器异常", {icon: 5}); |
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@ -1,101 +1,227 @@ |
{{template "header" .}} |
{{template "header" .}} |
<meta name="keywords" content="码农随笔,个人随笔,博客,个人博客,个人笔记,技术博客,免费云笔记,云笔记,随笔,IT博客,谷歌地图,码农笔录,,,aiprose"> |
<meta name="keywords" content="码农随笔,个人随笔,博客,个人博客,个人笔记,技术博客,免费云笔记,云笔记,随笔,IT博客,谷歌地图,码农笔录,,,aiprose"> |
<title>发布博客 - 码农随笔</title> |
<title>发布博客 - 码农随笔</title> |
<script src="/static/js/wangEditor.min.js"></script> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/editor/css/index.css"> |
<script src="/static/editor/mavon-editor.js"></script> |
<script src=""></script> |
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<body> |
<body> |
<div class="root-container"> |
<div class="root-container" id="vue-app"> |
<div class="blog-title"> |
<div class="blog-title"> |
<input type="text" id="blog-title" placeholder="请输入文章标题"> |
<i-input type="text" v-model="blog.Title" placeholder="请输入文章标题"/> |
<button type="button" id="newBtn" class="layui-btn layui-btn-radius layui-btn-danger layui-btn-sm " style="border-radius: 12px"> |
发布文章 |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="editor" class="editor"> |
<mavon-editor :externalLink="externalLink" :toolbars="toolbars" v-model="blog.BlogValue" @imgAdd="$imgAdd" |
@save="saveHandler" @change="changeHandler" ref=md></mavon-editor> |
<Modal |
v-model="showModal" |
title="发布文章" |
:mask-closable="false"> |
<div class="modal_form"> |
<span class="span-lable">文章分类:</span> |
<i-select v-model="blog.CategoryId" style="width:300px"> |
<i-option v-for="item in cats" :value="item.Id" :key="item.Id">${ item.Title }</i-option> |
</i-select> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="modal_form"> |
<span class="span-lable">文章标签:</span> |
<i-button type="primary" ghost size="small" v-for="item,index in lables" :key="index" style="margin-left: 5px">${item.Title} |
<Icon type="ios-close-circle-outline" @click="delLabel(index)"/> |
</i-button> |
</div> |
<div class="modal_form"> |
<span class="span-lable">添加标签:</span> |
<div style="display: inline-block;width: 241px"> |
<i-input type="text" v-model="lableTitle" placeholder="请输入标签名称"/> |
</div> |
<i-button type="primary" ghost @click="addLable">添加</i-button> |
</div> |
<div slot="footer"> |
<i-button type="error" size="large" long :loading="loading" @click="okHandler">保存</i-button> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
</div> |
</div> |
</body> |
</body> |
<script> |
<script> |
var storage=window.localStorage |
var app = new Vue({ |
var E = window.wangEditor |
delimiters: ['${', '}'], |
var editor = new E('#editor') |
el: '#vue-app', |
editor.customConfig.uploadImgServer = '/file/upload' |
components: { |
// 或者 var editor = new E( document.getElementById('editor') ) |
'mavon-editor': MavonEditor.mavonEditor |
editor.customConfig.uploadImgHooks = { |
}, |
customInsert: function (insertImg, result, editor) { |
data: { |
insertImg(result.Data); |
loading: false, |
lableTitle: '', |
} |
cats: [], |
} |
lables: [], |
editor.create() |
showModal: false, |
document.onkeydown = keyDown; |
blog: { |
Title: '', |
function keyDown(e) { |
BlogValue: '', |
var currKey = 0, e = e || event || window.event; |
BlogHtml: '', |
currKey = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode; |
CategoryId: 0 |
if (currKey == 83 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { |
}, |
saveBlog() |
toolbars: { |
return |
bold: true, // 粗体 |
italic: true, // 斜体 |
header: true, // 标题 |
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quote: true, // 引用 |
ol: true, // 有序列表 |
ul: true, // 无序列表 |
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imagelink: true, // 图片链接 |
code: true, // code |
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readmodel: true, // 沉浸式阅读 |
htmlcode: true, // 展示html源码 |
help: true, // 帮助 |
/* 1.3.5 */ |
undo: true, // 上一步 |
//redo: true, // 下一步 |
trash: true, // 清空 |
save: true, // 保存(触发events中的save事件) |
/* 1.4.2 */ |
navigation: true, // 导航目录 |
/* 2.1.8 */ |
alignleft: true, // 左对齐 |
aligncenter: true, // 居中 |
alignright: true, // 右对齐 |
/* 2.2.1 */ |
subfield: true, // 单双栏模式 |
preview: true, // 预览 |
menu: true, // 预览 |
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externalLink: { |
// markdown_css: function() { |
// // 这是你的markdown css文件路径 |
// return '/markdown/github-markdown.min.css'; |
// }, |
katex_css: function () { |
// 这是你的katex配色方案路径路径 |
return '/katex/katex.min.css'; |
}, |
katex_js: function () { |
// 这是你的katex.js路径 |
return '/katex/katex.min.js'; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
created() { |
let item = window.localStorage.getItem("blogValue"); |
if(item){ |
| = item |
} |
} |
let itemTitle = window.localStorage.getItem("blogTilte"); |
} |
if(itemTitle){ |
function saveBlog() { | = itemTitle |
var title = $("#blog-title").val(); |
if (title.trim().length < 3) { |
layer.msg('文章标题最少三个字', function () { |
}); |
return |
} |
} |
tobj.title = $("#blog-title").val(); |
this.getCatas() |
if (editor.txt.html().trim().length == 0) { |
}, |
layer.msg('文章内容不能为空哦', function () { |
methods: { |
}); |
okHandler (){ |
if(! ||{ |
this.$Notice.warning({ |
title: '文章分类必须选择', |
}) |
return |
return |
} |
} |
tobj.blogHtml = editor.txt.html(); |
var _this = this |
tobj.blogDesc = editor.txt.text().substring(0,200) |
this.loading = true |
storage.setItem("blogHtml",tobj.blogHtml); |
storage.setItem("blogTitle",tobj.title); |
||||{ |
type: 2, |
title: '发布文章', |
shadeClose: true, |
shade: 0.8, |
area: ['420px', '280px'], |
content: '/iframe/blog.html/' //iframe的url |
}); |
} |
var tobj = {} |
var tobj = {} |
$(function () { |
tobj.title = |
var oldVal = storage.getItem("blogHtml"); |
window.localStorage.setItem("blogTilte",; |
editor.txt.html(oldVal); |
tobj.blogHtml = |
var oldTitle = storage.getItem("blogTitle"); |
var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig |
$("#blog-title").val(oldTitle); |
tobj.blogDesc = tobj.blogHtml.replace(regex,"").substring(0,200) |
var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight |
tobj.catory = |
$(".w-e-text-container").height(height - 50 - 40 - 1); |
tobj.blogValue = |
$("#newBtn").click(function () { |
tobj.labels = [] |
saveBlog() |
this.lables.forEach(el=>{ |
tobj.labels.push(el.Title) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
function saveBlogCallback(callback) { |
$.post('/api/blog/new', tobj, |
$.post('/api/blog/new', tobj, |
function (data) { |
function (data) { |
_this.loading = false |
if (data.Status == 0) { |
if (data.Status == 0) { |
storage.removeItem("blogHtml"); |
window.localStorage.removeItem("blogValue"); |
storage.removeItem("blogTitle"); |
window.localStorage.removeItem("blogTilte"); |
layer.msg("保存成功", {icon: 6}); |
layer.msg("保存成功", {icon: 6}); |
callback(true) |
window.location.href = "/blog/"+ data.Data |
window.location.href = "/blog/"+ data.Data |
} else if (data.Status == 401) { |
} else if (data.Status == 401) { |
window.location.href = "login" |
window.location.href = "/login" |
} else if (data.Status == 500) { |
} else if (data.Status == 500) { |
layer.msg("保存失败", {icon: 6}); |
layer.msg("保存失败", {icon: 6}); |
callback(false) |
} |
} |
}, 'json') |
}, 'json') |
}, |
addLable(){ |
if(!this.lableTitle){ |
this.$Notice.warning({ |
title: '请先输入标签名称', |
}) |
return |
} |
} |
var tobj = {} |
tobj.Title = this.lableTitle |
this.lables.push(tobj) |
this.lableTitle = '' |
}, |
delLabel(index){ |
this.lables.splice(index,1) |
}, |
getCatas(){ |
var _this = this |
$.get('/api/cats', |
function (data) { |
if (data.Status == 0) { |
_this.cats = data.Data |
} else if (data.Status == 401) { |
window.location.href = "/login" |
} else if (data.Status == 500) { |
} |
}, 'json') |
}, |
$imgAdd(pos, $file) { |
var _this = this |
// 第一步.将图片上传到服务器. |
var formdata = new FormData(); |
formdata.append('image', $file); |
axios({ |
url: '/file/upload', |
method: 'post', |
data: formdata, |
headers: {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}, |
}).then((resp) => { |
_this.$$img2Url(pos,; |
}) |
}, |
changeHandler(value, render) { |
| = value |
| = render |
window.localStorage.setItem("blogValue",value); |
}, |
saveHandler(value, render) { |
if ( < 3) { |
this.$Notice.warning({ |
title: '文章标题最少三个字', |
}) |
return |
} |
if ( == 0) { |
this.$Notice.warning({ |
title: '文章内容不能为空哦', |
}) |
return |
} |
this.showModal = true |
}, |
} |
}) |
</script> |
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</html> |
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