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@ -12,7 +12,15 @@ Similar to general programming languages, expressions in UReport2 have some basi
| String | The string shall be put in single quotes or double quotes | ‘ureport2’, "UReport2” and ‘UReport2 course’ are all legal strings |
| Boolean value | Boolean value represents Yes or No | There are two Boolean values: true & false |
The above three basic data types can be used independently or used in combinatorial calculation by connecting them with “+”, “-”, “\*”, "/” and “%”, as listed in the table below:
| Operators | Description | Example |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| + | Calculate the sum of two numbers or connect two values | 21+31 means to calculate the sum of the two numbers and the result should be 52. “value:”+331 means to connect the two values, and the result should be “value: 331” |
| - | Calculate the difference of two numbers | 21 – 31 indicates calculating the difference between the two numbers, and the result should be -10 |
| \* | Calculate the product of two numbers | 3\*6 results in 18 |
| / | Calculate the division of two numbers | 6/3 results in 2. If one number will not divide into the other number, 8 decimal places shall be kept |
| % | Calculate the residual value of two numbers | 5%3 results in 2; and 6%2 results in 0 |
