12 changed files with 137 additions and 96 deletions
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue' |
defineProps<{ msg: string }>() |
const count = ref(0) |
</script> |
<template> |
<h1>{{ msg }}</h1> |
<p> |
Recommended IDE setup: |
<a href="https://code.visualstudio.com/" target="_blank">VS Code</a> |
+ |
<a href="https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar" target="_blank">Volar</a> |
</p> |
<p>See <code>README.md</code> for more information.</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://vitejs.dev/guide/features.html" target="_blank"> |
Vite Docs |
</a> |
| |
<a href="https://v3.vuejs.org/" target="_blank">Vue 3 Docs</a> |
</p> |
<button type="button" @click="count++">count is: {{ count }}</button> |
<p> |
Edit |
<code>components/HelloWorld.vue</code> to test hot module replacement. |
</p> |
</template> |
<style scoped> |
a { |
color: #42b983; |
} |
label { |
margin: 0 0.5em; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
code { |
background-color: #eee; |
padding: 2px 4px; |
border-radius: 4px; |
color: #304455; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
<template> |
<div /> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
// import { ref } from 'vue' |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<template> |
<el-container class="common-layout"> |
<el-header> |
<Header /> |
</el-header> |
<el-main> |
<router-view /> |
</el-main> |
<el-footer>Footer</el-footer> |
</el-container> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import Header from '@/layout/header/Header.vue' |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.common-layout{ |
height: 100%; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
<template> |
<el-menu |
:default-active="activeIndex" |
class="el-menu-demo" |
mode="horizontal" |
background-color="#545c64" |
text-color="#fff" |
active-text-color="#ffd04b" |
@select="handleSelect" |
> |
<el-menu-item index="1">股票情绪</el-menu-item> |
<el-sub-menu index="2"> |
<template #title>测试菜单</template> |
<el-menu-item index="2-1">item one</el-menu-item> |
<el-menu-item index="2-2">item two</el-menu-item> |
<el-menu-item index="2-3">item three</el-menu-item> |
<el-sub-menu index="2-4"> |
<template #title>item four</template> |
<el-menu-item index="2-4-1">item one</el-menu-item> |
<el-menu-item index="2-4-2">item two</el-menu-item> |
<el-menu-item index="2-4-3">item three</el-menu-item> |
</el-sub-menu> |
</el-sub-menu> |
<el-menu-item index="3" disabled>无用菜单</el-menu-item> |
</el-menu> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue' |
const activeIndex = ref('1') |
const handleSelect = (key: string, keyPath: string[]) => { |
console.log(key, keyPath) |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
</style> |
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ |
import { createApp } from 'vue' |
import App from '@/App.vue' |
import router from '@/router/index' |
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus' |
import 'element-plus/dist/index.css' |
import router from '@/router/index' |
import { store, key } from '@/store/index' |
createApp(App).use(router).use(store, key).mount('#app') |
createApp(App).use(ElementPlus).use(router).use(store, key).use(ElementPlus).mount('#app') |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
<template> |
<div> |
asd |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
name: 'Index' |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ |
import {defineConfig} from 'vite' |
import { defineConfig } from 'vite' |
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' |
import {resolve} from "path"; |
import { resolve } from 'path' |
import eslintPlugin from 'vite-plugin-eslint' |
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({ |
plugins: [vue(), |
eslintPlugin({ |
include: ['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.vue', 'src/*.js', 'src/*.vue'] |
})], |
server: { |
host: '', |
port: 3000, |
open: true |
}, |
resolve: { |
alias: [ |
{ |
find: '@', |
replacement: resolve(__dirname, 'src') |
} |
] |
} |
plugins: [vue(), |
eslintPlugin({ |
include: ['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.vue', 'src/*.js', 'src/*.vue'] |
})], |
server: { |
host: '', |
port: 3000, |
open: true |
}, |
resolve: { |
alias: [ |
{ |
find: '@', |
replacement: resolve(__dirname, 'src') |
} |
] |
} |
}) |
Reference in new issue