You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
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package jd_seckill
import (
type Seckill struct {
client *httpc.HttpClient
conf *goconfig.ConfigFile
func NewSeckill(client *httpc.HttpClient, conf *goconfig.ConfigFile) *Seckill {
return &Seckill{client: client, conf: conf}
func (this *Seckill) getUserAgent() string {
return this.conf.MustValue("config", "default_user_agent", "")
func (this *Seckill) SkuTitle() (string, error) {
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
resp, body, err := req.SetUrl(fmt.Sprintf("", skuId)).SetMethod("get").Send().End()
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", errors.New("访问商品详情失败")
html := strings.NewReader(body)
doc, _ := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(html)
return strings.TrimSpace(doc.Find(".sku-name").Text()), nil
func (this *Seckill) GetDiffTime() int64 {
localTime := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6
log.Println("本地系统时间:", time.Unix(0, localTime*1e6))
jdTime := localTime
req := httpc.NewRequest(common.Client)
resp, body, err := req.SetUrl("").SetMethod("get").Send().End()
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
} else {
jdTime = gjson.Get(body, "serverTime").Int()
log.Println("京东云端时间:", time.Unix(0, jdTime*1e6))
delayTime := time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6 - localTime
log.Println("网络请求延时:", delayTime, "ms")
diffTime := localTime - jdTime + delayTime/2
log.Println("实际时间误差:", diffTime, "ms (本地时间-京东云端时间+网络请求延时/2)")
return diffTime
func (this *Seckill) GetWareBusiness() ([]string, []string, error) {
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "") //商品ID
cat := "12259,12260,9435" //分类路径,TODO:适配其他商品时要调整
area := "16_1303_3484_0" //配送至,TODO:适配其他商品时要调整成购买者实际地区
shopId := "1000085463" //卖家ID
venderId := "1000085463" //供应商ID
paramJson := "{\"platform2\":\"1\",\"specialAttrStr\":\"p0pp1pppppppppppppppp\",\"skuMarkStr\":\"00\"}" //TODO:不知道干嘛用的?
num := this.conf.MustValue("config", "seckill_num", "1") //购买数量
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId))
resp, body, err := req.SetUrl(fmt.Sprintf("",
var yuyueTimeArr []string
var buyTimeArr []string
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Println("获取商品详情失败", resp, body, err)
return yuyueTimeArr, buyTimeArr, errors.New("访问商品详情失败")
if !gjson.Get(body, "yuyueInfo").Exists() || !gjson.Get(body, "yuyueInfo.yuyueTime").Exists() || !gjson.Get(body, "yuyueInfo.buyTime").Exists() {
log.Println("获取商品预约信息失败", body)
return yuyueTimeArr, buyTimeArr, errors.New("获取商品预约信息失败")
yuyueTime := gjson.Get(body, "yuyueInfo.yuyueTime").String()
buyTime := gjson.Get(body, "yuyueInfo.buyTime").String()
log.Println("预约起止时间:", yuyueTime)
log.Println("购买起止时间:", buyTime)
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2})`)
yuyueTimeArr = reg.FindAllString(yuyueTime, 2)
buyTimeArr = reg.FindAllString(buyTime, 2)
return yuyueTimeArr, buyTimeArr, nil
func (this *Seckill) MakeReserve() {
yuyueTimeArr, buyTimeArr, err := this.GetWareBusiness()
if err == nil && len(yuyueTimeArr) == 2 {
diffTime := this.GetDiffTime()
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local")
yuyueTimeBegin, _ := time.ParseInLocation(common.DateTimeFormatStr, yuyueTimeArr[0]+":00", loc)
yuyueTimeEnd, _ := time.ParseInLocation(common.DateTimeFormatStr, yuyueTimeArr[1]+":59", loc)
beginTime := yuyueTimeBegin.UnixNano()/1e6 + diffTime
endTime := yuyueTimeEnd.UnixNano()/1e6 + diffTime
diffTime = beginTime - time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6
if diffTime > 0 {
log.Println("还没到预约时间,等待", diffTime, "ms 后开始预约")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(diffTime) * time.Millisecond)
diffTime = time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6 - endTime
if diffTime > 0 {
} else {
log.Println("预约起始时间获取失败,立即尝试预约:", err, yuyueTimeArr)
user := NewUser(this.client, this.conf)
userInfo, _ := user.GetUserInfo()
log.Println("用户:" + userInfo)
shopTitle, err := this.SkuTitle()
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Println("商品名称:" + shopTitle)
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId))
resp, body, err := req.SetUrl("" + skuId + "&_=" + strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix()*1000))).SetMethod("get").Send().End()
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
} else {
reserveUrl := gjson.Get(body, "url").String()
req = httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
_, _, _ = req.SetUrl("https:" + reserveUrl).SetMethod("get").Send().End()
msg := "商品名称《" + shopTitle + "》预约成功,已获得抢购资格 / 您已成功预约过了,无需重复预约!\n\n[我的预约]("
_ = service.SendMessage(this.conf, "京东秒杀通知", msg)
if len(buyTimeArr) == 2 {
confFile := "./conf.ini"
cfg, err := goconfig.LoadConfigFile(confFile)
if err != nil {
buyTime := buyTimeArr[0] + ":00"
cfg.SetValue("config", "buy_time", buyTime)
if err := goconfig.SaveConfigFile(cfg, confFile); err != nil {
log.Println("保存配置文件失败,请手动修改conf.ini,buy_time =", buyTime)
log.Println("下一次抢购开始时间设定已经更新:", buyTime)
// 获取抢购链接
func (this *Seckill) getSeckillUrl() (string, error) {
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Host", "")
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId))
req.SetUrl("" + strconv.Itoa(common.Rand(1000000, 9999999)) + "&skuId=" + skuId + "&from=pc&_=" + strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix()*1000))).SetMethod("get")
url := ""
for {
_, body, _ := req.Send().End()
if gjson.Get(body, "url").Exists() && gjson.Get(body, "url").String() != "" {
url = gjson.Get(body, "url").String()
time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
url = "https:" + url
url = strings.ReplaceAll(url, "divide", "marathon")
url = strings.ReplaceAll(url, "user_routing", "captcha.html")
log.Println("抢购链接获取成功:" + url)
return url, nil
func (this *Seckill) RequestSeckillUrl() {
user := NewUser(this.client, this.conf)
userInfo, _ := user.GetUserInfo()
log.Println("用户:" + userInfo)
shopTitle, err := this.SkuTitle()
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Println("商品名称:" + shopTitle)
url, _ := this.getSeckillUrl()
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
client := httpc.NewHttpClient()
client.SetRedirect(func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
req := httpc.NewRequest(client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Host", "")
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId))
_, _, _ = req.SetUrl(url).SetMethod("get").Send().End()
func (this *Seckill) SeckillPage() {
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
seckillNum := this.conf.MustValue("config", "seckill_num", "2")
client := httpc.NewHttpClient()
client.SetRedirect(func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
req := httpc.NewRequest(client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Host", "")
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId))
_, _, _ = req.SetUrl("" + skuId + "&num=" + seckillNum + "&rid=" + strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix()))).SetMethod("get").Send().End()
func (this *Seckill) SeckillInitInfo() (string, error) {
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
seckillNum := this.conf.MustValue("config", "seckill_num", "2")
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Host", "")
req.SetData("sku", skuId)
req.SetData("num", seckillNum)
req.SetData("isModifyAddress", "false")
errorCount := 3
errorMsg := ""
for errorCount > 0 {
_, body, _ := req.Send().End()
if body != "null" && gjson.Valid(body) {
return body, nil
} else {
if len(body) < 200 {
log.Println("获取秒杀初始化信息失败,返回信息:" + body)
} else {
log.Println("获取秒杀初始化信息失败,返回信息: 网页")
errorMsg = body
errorCount = errorCount - 1
time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
return "", errors.New(errorMsg)
func (this *Seckill) SubmitSeckillOrder() bool {
eid := this.conf.MustValue("config", "eid", "")
fp := this.conf.MustValue("config", "fp", "")
skuId := this.conf.MustValue("config", "sku_id", "")
seckillNum := this.conf.MustValue("config", "seckill_num", "2")
paymentPwd := this.conf.MustValue("account", "payment_pwd", "")
initInfo, err := this.SeckillInitInfo()
if err != nil {
if len(err.Error()) > 200 {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("抢购失败,无法获取生成订单的基本信息,接口返回: html代码"))
} else {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("抢购失败,无法获取生成订单的基本信息,接口返回:【%s】", err.Error()))
return false
address := gjson.Get(initInfo, "addressList").Array()
if !gjson.Get(initInfo, "addressList").Exists() || len(address) < 1 {
return false
defaultAddress := address[0]
isinvoiceInfo := gjson.Get(initInfo, "invoiceInfo").Exists()
invoiceTitle := "-1"
invoiceContentType := "-1"
invoicePhone := ""
invoicePhoneKey := ""
invoiceInfo := "false"
if isinvoiceInfo {
invoiceTitle = gjson.Get(initInfo, "invoiceInfo.invoiceTitle").String()
invoiceContentType = gjson.Get(initInfo, "invoiceInfo.invoiceContentType").String()
invoicePhone = gjson.Get(initInfo, "invoiceInfo.invoicePhone").String()
invoicePhoneKey = gjson.Get(initInfo, "invoiceInfo.invoicePhoneKey").String()
invoiceInfo = "true"
token := gjson.Get(initInfo, "token").String()
req := httpc.NewRequest(this.client)
req.SetHeader("User-Agent", this.getUserAgent())
req.SetHeader("Host", "")
req.SetHeader("Referer", fmt.Sprintf("", skuId, seckillNum, int(time.Now().Unix())))
req.SetData("skuId", skuId)
req.SetData("num", seckillNum)
req.SetData("addressId", defaultAddress.Get("id").String())
req.SetData("yuShou", "true")
req.SetData("isModifyAddress", "false")
req.SetData("name", defaultAddress.Get("name").String())
req.SetData("provinceId", defaultAddress.Get("provinceId").String())
req.SetData("cityId", defaultAddress.Get("cityId").String())
req.SetData("countyId", defaultAddress.Get("countyId").String())
req.SetData("townId", defaultAddress.Get("townId").String())
req.SetData("addressDetail", defaultAddress.Get("addressDetail").String())
req.SetData("mobile", defaultAddress.Get("mobile").String())
req.SetData("mobileKey", defaultAddress.Get("mobileKey").String())
req.SetData("email", defaultAddress.Get("email").String())
req.SetData("postCode", "")
req.SetData("invoiceTitle", invoiceTitle)
req.SetData("invoiceCompanyName", "")
req.SetData("invoiceContent", invoiceContentType)
req.SetData("invoiceTaxpayerNO", "")
req.SetData("invoiceEmail", "")
req.SetData("invoicePhone", invoicePhone)
req.SetData("invoicePhoneKey", invoicePhoneKey)
req.SetData("invoice", invoiceInfo)
req.SetData("password", paymentPwd)
req.SetData("codTimeType", "3")
req.SetData("paymentType", "4")
req.SetData("areaCode", "")
req.SetData("overseas", "0")
req.SetData("phone", "")
req.SetData("eid", eid)
req.SetData("fp", fp)
req.SetData("token", token)
req.SetData("pru", "")
//req.SetData("sk", "s76lo6CABKGBMSZ") // 自己添加
resp, body, err := req.SetUrl("" + skuId).SetMethod("post").Send().End()
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
_ = service.SendMessage(this.conf, "京东秒杀通知", "抢购失败,网络错误")
return false
if !gjson.Valid(body) {
log.Println("抢购失败,返回信息:" + body)
_ = service.SendMessage(this.conf, "京东秒杀通知", "抢购失败,返回信息:"+body)
return false
if gjson.Get(body, "success").Bool() {
orderId := gjson.Get(body, "orderId").String()
totalMoney := gjson.Get(body, "totalMoney").String()
payUrl := "https:" + gjson.Get(body, "pcUrl").String()
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("抢购成功,订单号:%s, 总价:%s, 电脑端付款链接:%s", orderId, totalMoney, payUrl))
_ = service.SendMessage(this.conf, "京东秒杀通知", fmt.Sprintf("抢购成功,订单号:%s, 总价:%s, 电脑端付款链接:%s", orderId, totalMoney, payUrl))
return true
} else {
log.Println("抢购失败,返回信息:" + body)
_ = service.SendMessage(this.conf, "京东秒杀通知", "抢购失败,返回信息:"+body)
return false