25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

278 lines
9.7 KiB

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<meta name="description"
<meta name="keywords" content="码农随笔,个人随笔,博客,个人博客,个人笔记,技术博客,免费云笔记,云笔记,随笔,IT博客,谷歌地图,码农笔录,aiprose">
<title>我的笔记 - 码农随笔</title>
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<script src="/static/editor/mavon-editor.js"></script>
html, body {
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main {
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margin-bottom: 0 !important;
background-color: #f5f4e9;
#vue-app {
height: 100%;
.v-note-wrapper {
height: 100%;
z-index: 99 !important;
.v-note-wrapper .v-note-op {
padding-left: 40px !important;
.ivu-menu-png {
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top: 5px;
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<div id="vue-app">
<div class="ivu-menu-png" @click="drawer = true">
<img src="/static/img/imenu.png" alt="" width="30" height="30">
<mavon-editor :externalLink="externalLink" :toolbars="toolbars" v-model="meval"></mavon-editor>
<Drawer title="目录选择" placement="left" :closable="false" v-model="drawer" width="400">
<i-button type="primary" ghost long>添加文件夹</i-button>
<i-button type="success" ghost long style="margin-top: 5px">添加笔记</i-button>
<i-menu theme="light" accordion="true" width="380" @on-select="noteSelectHandler">
<Submenu :name="item.Id" v-for="(item,key) in notes" :key="key">
<template slot="title">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-paper"></i>
<menu-item :name="note.Id" v-for="(note,nkey) in item.Notes" :key="nkey">${note.Title}</menu-item>
var app = new Vue({
delimiters: ['${', '}'],
el: '#vue-app',
components: {
'mavon-editor': MavonEditor.mavonEditor
data: {
drawer: true,
externalLink: {
// markdown_css: function() {
// // 这是你的markdown css文件路径
// return '/markdown/github-markdown.min.css';
// },
katex_css: function () {
// 这是你的katex配色方案路径路径
return '/katex/katex.min.css';
katex_js: function () {
// 这是你的katex.js路径
return '/katex/katex.min.js';
toolbars: {
bold: true, // 粗体
italic: true, // 斜体
header: true, // 标题
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strikethrough: true, // 中划线
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subscript: true, // 下角标
quote: true, // 引用
ol: true, // 有序列表
ul: true, // 无序列表
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imagelink: true, // 图片链接
code: true, // code
table: true, // 表格
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readmodel: true, // 沉浸式阅读
htmlcode: true, // 展示html源码
help: true, // 帮助
/* 1.3.5 */
undo: true, // 上一步
//redo: true, // 下一步
//trash: true, // 清空
save: true, // 保存(触发events中的save事件)
/* 1.4.2 */
navigation: true, // 导航目录
/* 2.1.8 */
alignleft: true, // 左对齐
aligncenter: true, // 居中
alignright: true, // 右对齐
/* 2.2.1 */
subfield: true, // 单双栏模式
preview: true, // 预览
menu: true, // 预览
notes: [],
meval: ''
mounted() {
var _this = this
$.get("/note/api", function (data, status) {
_this.notes = data
methods: {
noteSelectHandler(id) {
var _this = this
this.notes.forEach((item) => {
item.Notes.forEach((note) => {
if (id == note.Id) {
_this.meval = note.NoteVal ? note.NoteVal : note.NoteHtml
function keyDown(e) {
// e.preventDefault();
var currKey = 0, e = e || event || window.event;
currKey = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode;
if (currKey == 83 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
return false;
function saveNote() {
if (!note || !note.Id) {
layer.msg('请在左边菜单中选择笔记', function () {
var noteHtml = editor.txt.html()
if (!editor.txt.html() && editor.txt.html().trim().length == 0) {
layer.msg('保存内容为空', function () {
$.post('/api/note/edit/' + note.Id, {
noteHtml: noteHtml
function (data) {
if (data.Status == 0) {
layer.msg("保存成功", {icon: 6});
} else if (data.Status == 401) {
window.location.href = "/login"
} else {
layer.msg("服务器异常", {icon: 5});
}, 'json')
function noteClick(id) {
$.get('/api/note/' + id,
function (data) {
if (!data.Status) {
if (data.NoteHtml && data.NoteHtml.trim().length != 0) {
} else if (note) {
note = data
} else if (data.Status == 401) {
window.location.href = "/login"
} else if (data.Status == 403) {
layer.msg("暂无权限", {icon: 5});
} else {
layer.msg("服务器异常", {icon: 5});
}, 'json')
function addNoteCallback(obj) {
var subMenu = $(".sub-menu")
$.each(subMenu, function (index, el) {
if ($(el).attr("value") == obj.Pid) {
var child = '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="noteClick(' + obj.Id + ')" value="' + obj.Id + '" >' + obj.Title + '</a></li>'
if (!note || !note.Id) {
note = obj
$(function () {
$("#delNote").click(function () {
if (!note || !note.Id) {
layer.msg('请在右边菜单中选择笔记', function () {
layer.confirm('删除确认', {
btn: ['确认', '手滑了'] //按钮
}, function () {
$.post('/api/note/del/' + note.Id,
function (data) {
if (data.Status == 0) {
var subMenu = $(".sub-menu li a")
$.each(subMenu, function (index, el) {
if ($(el).attr("value") == note.Id) {
note = null
layer.msg("删除成功", {icon: 6});
} else if (data.Status == 401) {
window.location.href = "/login"
} else if (data.Status == 403) {
layer.msg("暂无权限", {icon: 5});
} else {
layer.msg("服务器异常", {icon: 5});
}, 'json')
}, function () {