8 changed files with 228 additions and 16 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ |
package mcontrollers |
import ( |
"beeblog/models" |
"beeblog/service" |
"github.com/astaxie/beego" |
"strconv" |
"time" |
) |
type MBlogController struct { |
beego.Controller |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) BlogsPage() { |
num, _ := this.GetInt("num") |
size, _ := this.GetInt("size") |
cat, _ := this.GetInt64("cat") |
flag, _ := this.GetInt("flag") |
if num <= 0 { |
num = 1 |
} |
if size < 15 { |
size = 15 |
} |
if cat <= 0 { |
cat = -1 |
} |
pages, err := service.FindBlogs(num, size, cat, flag) |
if err != nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnServerError(500) |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnData("",pages) |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) EditPage() { |
uid := this.GetSession("userid") |
if uid == nil { |
this.Redirect("/login", 302) |
return |
} |
idStr := this.Ctx.Input.Param(":id") |
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(idStr, 10, 64) |
blog, err := service.GetBlog(id) |
if err != nil { |
this.Redirect("/404", 302) |
return |
} |
if blog.UserId != uid.(int64) { |
this.Redirect("/403", 302) |
return |
} |
this.Data["Blog"] = blog |
this.TplName = "editblog.html" |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) Save() { |
uid := this.GetSession("userid") |
if uid == nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(401, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
title := this.GetString("title") |
blogHtml := this.GetString("blogHtml") |
catory := this.GetString("catory") |
catoryId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(catory, 10, 64) |
labels := this.GetStrings("labels[]") |
blog := &models.Blog{Title: title, BlogHtml: blogHtml, CategoryId: catoryId, UserId: uid.(int64)} |
err := service.SaveBlog(blog, labels) |
if err == nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnData("",blog.Id) |
} else { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(500, "保存失败") |
} |
this.ServeJSON() |
service.CountBlog(uid.(int64)) |
return |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) Edit() { |
uid := this.GetSession("userid") |
if uid == nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(401, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
id,_ := this.GetInt64("id") |
title := this.GetString("title") |
blogHtml := this.GetString("blogHtml") |
catory := this.GetString("catory") |
catoryId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(catory, 10, 64) |
labels := this.GetStrings("labels[]") |
blog,err :=service.GetBlog(id) |
if err != nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(500, "保存失败") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
blog.Title = title |
blog.BlogHtml = blogHtml |
blog.CategoryId = catoryId |
blog.Utime = time.Now() |
err = service.EditBlog(blog, labels) |
if err == nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnSuccess("") |
} else { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(500, "保存失败") |
} |
this.ServeJSON() |
service.CountBlog(uid.(int64)) |
return |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) Get() { |
idStr := this.Ctx.Input.Param(":id") |
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(idStr, 10, 64) |
blog, err := service.GetBlog(id) |
if err != nil { |
this.Redirect("/404", 302) |
return |
} |
if uid := this.GetSession("userid"); uid != nil { |
if blog.UserId == uid.(int64) { |
this.Data["IsAuthor"] = true |
} |
if flag, err := service.IsLike(id, uid.(int64)); err == nil { |
this.Data["IsLike"] = flag |
} |
} |
if blogs, err := service.TopBlogByUser(blog.UserId); err == nil { |
this.Data["Top"] = blogs |
} |
this.Data["Blog"] = blog |
this.Data["UserId"] = this.GetSession("userid") |
this.Data["HeadImg"] = this.GetSession("headimg") |
this.Data["NickName"] = this.GetSession("nickname") |
this.Data["UserId"] = this.GetSession("userid") |
this.Data["IsLogin"] = this.GetSession("nickname") != nil |
this.TplName = "blog.html" |
service.CountBrows(blog.UserId) |
service.EditBlogBrows(id) |
return |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) Del() { |
uid := this.GetSession("userid") |
if uid == nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(401, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
idStr := this.Ctx.Input.Param(":id") |
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(idStr, 10, 64) |
blog, err := service.GetBlog(id) |
if err != nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(500, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
if blog.UserId != uid.(int64) { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(503, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
blog.Delflag = 1 |
err = service.DelBlog(blog) |
if err != nil { |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnError(500, "") |
this.ServeJSON() |
return |
} |
this.Data["json"] = models.ReurnSuccess("") |
this.ServeJSON() |
service.CountBlog(uid.(int64)) |
return |
} |
func (this *MBlogController) New() { |
uid := this.GetSession("userid") |
if uid == nil { |
this.Redirect("/login", 302) |
return |
} |
this.TplName = "newblog.html" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
package routers |
import ( |
"beeblog/mcontrollers" |
"github.com/astaxie/beego" |
) |
func init() { |
beego.Router("/api/blogs", &mcontrollers.MBlogController{}, "get:BlogsPage") |
} |
Reference in new issue