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4 年前
package com.example.demo;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.activiti.api.runtime.shared.query.Page;
import org.activiti.api.runtime.shared.query.Pageable;
import org.activiti.api.task.model.Task;
import org.activiti.api.task.model.builders.TaskPayloadBuilder;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.TaskRuntime;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.TaskAssignedEvent;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.TaskCompletedEvent;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.listener.TaskRuntimeEventListener;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
4 年前
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
4 年前
4 年前
public class DemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
4 年前
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
private TaskRuntime taskRuntime;
private SecurityUtil securityUtil;
public void run(String... args) {
// Using Security Util to simulate a logged in user
// Let's create a Group Task (not assigned, all the members of the group can claim it)
// Here 'salaboy' is the owner of the created task
log.info("> Creating a Group Task for 'activitiTeam'");
.withName("First Team Task")
.withDescription("This is something really important")
// Let's log in as 'other' user that doesn't belong to the 'activitiTeam' group
// Let's get all my tasks (as 'other' user)
log.info("> Getting all the tasks");
Page<Task> tasks = taskRuntime.tasks(Pageable.of(0, 10));
// No tasks are returned
log.info("> Other cannot see the task: " + tasks.getTotalItems());
// Now let's switch to a user that belongs to the activitiTeam
// Let's get 'erdemedeiros' tasks
log.info("> Getting all the tasks");
tasks = taskRuntime.tasks(Pageable.of(0, 10));
// 'erdemedeiros' can see and claim the task
log.info("> erdemedeiros can see the task: " + tasks.getTotalItems());
String availableTaskId = tasks.getContent().get(0).getId();
// Let's claim the task, after the claim, nobody else can see the task and 'erdemedeiros' becomes the assignee
log.info("> Claiming the task");
// Let's complete the task
log.info("> Completing the task");
public TaskRuntimeEventListener<TaskAssignedEvent> taskAssignedListener() {
return taskAssigned -> log.info(">>> Task Assigned: '"
+ taskAssigned.getEntity().getName() +
"' We can send a notification to the assginee: " + taskAssigned.getEntity().getAssignee());
public TaskRuntimeEventListener<TaskCompletedEvent> taskCompletedListener() {
return taskCompleted -> log.info(">>> Task Completed: '"
+ taskCompleted.getEntity().getName() +
"' We can send a notification to the owner: " + taskCompleted.getEntity().getOwner());
4 年前